Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Stay Your Men"

Art: Thomas Yeates (from installment #3967, January 20, 2013).
Text: Mark Schultz.


  1. Now, is it me, or has Schultz deliberately given us "Little Red Robin Hood" in this storyline? I feel like someone dared him to effectively combine the two characters. I've also noticed the rather surprising reliance on using failing economics as a plot-driver. I feel like there may even be a political statement being made. . . but I'm not sure what it's trying to say. . .


  2. Hi, HB! From early on in this particular storyline I sensed shades of the Occupy Movement, which I think is cool! I plan on exploring this in a future post. Thanks, as always, for sharing your thoughts here.



  3. Let's not forget: Happy 76th anniversary, Val!

    And also - happy 2nd anniversary to you, Mr. Bayly. Keep writing this awesome blog! This is the rare view into the world of Prince Valiant...

  4. Yep, let me echo Andrej's support, there, Michael. I'd love to see a bit more chat goin' on this kind-of quiet community, so I've resolved to toss my two-cents in with greater frequency until someone wails, "Enough, HB, enough!"

    The Occupy Mov't, eh? That had not occurred to me. Maybe so-- and if not, clearly something in that ideological realm.


  5. If I may add my two cents to yours in the tuture, soon we may nearly have enough for a nickle.


    PS I very much enjoy your blog sir, especially the posts from the John Cullen Murphy years. I pray that Fantagraphics would continue their series to include the ENTIRETY of Prince Valiant, not just the Foster years. JCM seems to the bastard stepchild of the Valiant canon rather than than being given the respect...and the REPRINTS his time deserves.
